My magazine will be targeted towards both genders and I will not be biased towards one gender. However, my target age group will be 17-20, so my content can include mature references e.g. drugs.
When it got to music genres, not one person picked "pop" as their most listened to genre. This shows that no mainstream chart music would be featured in my magazine. The most popular genre was pop punk, so I will include lots of music from the pop punk genre.
When it got to music genres, not one person picked "pop" as their most listened to genre. This shows that no mainstream chart music would be featured in my magazine. The most popular genre was pop punk, so I will include lots of music from the pop punk genre.
Most people stated that the thing that interests them most about a music magazine is the posters/pictures. This means that my magazine should be full of good photographs of high quality. I should also include a section in the magazine where there are posters. I should make it easy for readers to cut out pictures because a lot of people want to use the pictures from magazines and stick them on their wall.
For the price of the magazine, most people were willing to pay up to £4 for a music magazine. However, no one said they would pay over £4. The most popular one chosen was £3 - £4, so my magazine price will be within that range.
Almost everyone was mostly interested in the cover photo of a music magazine. This means my cover photo has to be eye-capturing as that's what the reader will be interested in first.
My last question was an open question, asking them to name their favourite artists. Here are all the ones mentioned:
I narrowed it down to the most popular ones, here's the chart:
Most of the artists are bands. the most popular ones being 'You Me At Six' and 'Bring Me The Horizon', taking up 11% each. The most popular bands are all very similar, which helps me with my magazine as people will most likely read my magazine if the bands and artists mentioned are popular.
From doing this questionnaire, I can get an inside view of what a reader's looking for when looking for and reading a music magazine.
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